24 January 2010

Rain, rain and more rain!

Friday 22nd January 2010

I love rain. Well not all rain - I love summer rain. I love the cooling and cleansing effect of water pouring down. I feel able to cope better with a world that has had a shower - the rain that washes away all its sins - and all its parasites - insects as well as human. The non stop rain of the past few weeks was wonderful - the afternoon downpour is so refreshing even though it causes more traffic jams and accidents - I still love it. We have had torrential rains of unusual proportions - but hey who am I to complain - my garden is flourishing!

Although it is a small garden, it is filled with annuals such as the Salvia SPLENDENS, with the beautiful cycads and succulent aloes, four huge palm trees, shrubs and tree ferns, colourful ground covers, with the splash pool creating the ambience of a water feature. I have developed a nice little herb garden on my back pation where the basil, mint, origanum, sage, rosemary, fennel, celery and chillies are grown in huge pots. These plants are overgrowing their containers and fill the house with their pungent aromas... and it is costing me nothing to water them all..... how glorious... imagine if I had built a water harvester... I wonder how long I could keep the water for??? Does water go off? I should imagine so ... anyway I will look into it but for now I am loving my garden ... a great reason to live in SA.....

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